The Dynamics of Cyberpolitics
Professor Nazli Choucri discusses international policy opportunities and possibilities of cyberspace in the analysis of world politics and addresses how to gain consensus among multi-stakeholders to integrate, collaborate, and harmonize a system of negotiations for treaties and conventions.
CyberSecure 2020 [Online Conference]. December 2–3, 2020.
Video lecture forthcoming. Click here for conference agenda.
The Quad Roundtable
The Roundtable discussed “the Quad Group, AIWS Social Contract and solutions for world peace and security”.
- How can the Quad Group support and maintain peace and security? What is the role of each member?
- How can the Quad contribute to peace and security in the European, Atlantic, and Baltic regions?
- How can democratic governments support and use the Social Contract for the AI Age as standards for international relations and for peace and security?
- How can democratic governments recognize and implement the Social Contract for the AI Age?
Side Event, Riga Conference 2020. November 12–13, 2020.
On Drafting for the Cyber Safety of the AI World Society Social Contract 2020
Professor Nazli Choucri discusses “AI for Humanity” at the Global Cybersecurity Day Symposium for 2019.
Boston Global Forum. December 12, 2019
AI-Government and AI Arms Race and Norms presented at AIWS – Government Conference
Professor Nazli Choucri discusses AI-Government and AI Arms Race and Norms.
Boston Global Forum. September 20, 2018
A Cyber-Defense Strategy for a Nation
MIT Political Science Professor Nazli Choucri notes the importance of recognizing the contributions of the Tallinn Manual 2.0 on International Law applicable to Cyber Operations for Cyberspace Operations.
Boston Global Forum. January 16, 2018.
Celebrating 50 years of rigor and relevance
Panel 4: Conducting research at MIT: What is unique about being a Political Scientist here?
MIT Political Science. December 9, 2015.
2015 Tech Day: Global Security: New Models for Diplomacy
The information revolution brought new challenges to international stability. A confluence of growing anxieties about security (cyber, economic, ecological, and national) continue to have significant impacts on diplomatic relations. This talk addresses emerging models of understanding international politics amidst an array of pressures.
MIT Alumni Association. June 30, 2015.
Cyber Politics and You
McAlvany Commentary 2014. December 30, 2014.
Explorations in Cyber International Relations
MIT Political Science Professor Nazli Choucri discusses explorations in cyber international relations.
MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP). October 27, 2014.
The Future of Cyber States
MIT Political Science Professor Nazli Choucri discusses the future of cyber states.
MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP). October 27, 2014.
The Global System for Sustainable Development
MIT Political Science Professor Nazli Choucri discusses the global system for sustainable development.
MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP). October 27, 2014.
IR in 3-D
MIT Political Science Professor Nazli Choucri discusses IR in 3D.
MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP). October 27, 2014
Mapping the Intersections of Power
MIT Political Science Professor Nazli Choucri maps the intersections of power.
MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP). October 27, 2014
Diversity on the World Stage
This forum explores the competition among a handful of sovereign powers, the exploitation of peoples and global resources, the relevance of economic power, and the efficacy of international institutions created to mitigate conflicts. MIT World Special Events & Lectures. February 17, 2011.
MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP). October 27, 2014